Название: SlutCraft: Heat of the Sperm \ Slut Craft: Heat of the Sperm \ Ремесло шлюхи: Теплота спермы Год выпуска: 2018 Жанр: Эротическая Цензура: Отсутствует Разработчик/Издательство: Shadow Portal, Zilot93 Платформа: PC/ WindowsVista / Windows7 / Windows8 / Windows10; Mac OS; Linux Тип издания: Оригинальная (лицензионная) Таблетка: Не требуется Версия: 0.14 Язык игры: Русский, Английский
Описание: История про молодого и отважного солдата Сару Керриган, которая была верным воином из "Сынов Корхала". Быстро и ответственно выполняла все приказы и просьбы лидера - Арктура Менгска. Весь ужас состоит в том, что никто и подумать не мог, что Арктур затаил злость и не простил ей убийство своего отца.
В результате происходит заговор и плетутся интриги, из-за чего тщательно спланированная операция на планете Тарсонис являющейся столицей Конфедерации провалилась. Этот факт приводит к кровавой и жестокой мясорубке по причине нашествия зергов, а сама девушка неожиданно оказалась в унизительном плену у опасной и непредсказуемой расы.
Она не стала отчаиваться, а поэтому этот тернистый и опасный путь привел к новым возможностям, загадочным и с*ксуальным историям. Главному герою придется пройти путь от первоклассного солдата до могучей Королевы Клинков, которая сможет взять под контроль все происходящее.
Added 2 'stuck in wall' scenes Added 2 new 'Sport is all' scenes Added Connecting to the Swarm event (the general introduction) Added Connecting to the Swarm: Abathur's route (2 levels) Added new location, Hall of Evolution Added new character, Abathur Added a few new dialogues with Saimon and Stukov and also a few of the ones we've forgotten to add before P.S. Change logs and Android version will be provided at a slightly later date, probably in a day.
P.S. In about a week, another update will be released, containing the changes and additions we couldn't include in this update. Also, it will contain fixes for bugs we might have missed during testing.
v0.13 Continuation of the main storyline; Masturbation scene; Kiss scene; An analysis scene; Continuation of Bath day event; Optional lulz; 'HIDE' button added to interface, it can be used to hide the dialogue window and look at the images without any obstructions (click on the screen to show the dialogue window again); Fug bixes.
v0.12 So, what's been added or changed? Continuation of the main storyline; Continuation of side-stories; New character: Mistress; Bug fixes. We know we've released this update much later than we anticipated and promised, so we are planning to release the next update this September. Thank you for staying with us! We really value that!
v0.11.2 So, what's been added or changed? Storyline continuation. A new side-storyline (it's quite easy to stumble upon) but it's more of a placeholder for now. Inventory system, you can now interact with items you find during your playthrough. Changed physical training system. Fixed bugs regarding wrongful display of hunger and energy bars. Text improvements. Fixed some inconsistencies in the plot. Fixed a couple of bugs.
Fixed missing English translations in some scenes.
Bonus Code FAQ $5+ patrons Apr 16 at 12:12pm Hello, our dear patrons. Lately, we've been asked a lot about what the bonus code is and how to use it. So we decided to make a post dedicated solely to the code.
The bonus code is: 6844776
Q. What is bonus code? A. Bonus code is another way for us to show our gratitude to you, our patrons. We really do love you.
Q. What does it do? A. The bonus code lets you watch some special scenes which we wanted to make available only to our patrons. Those can be easter eggs, continuations of some sex scenes or completely new events.
The bonus code has different functions in our games:
In Camelot: The Game:
Gives access to 'Start from a specific chapter' choice which allows you to, obviously, start the game from a specific chapter. It's useful if you've already played our game and don't want to see what you've already seen before, since you only have to make the important decisions before actually playing the game.
Gives access to bonus scenes and events.
Gives access to the Hall of Fame which is a special location made specifically for our supporters. It doesn't affect the main plot in the slightest, but it contains a wall with the names of those who have ever supported us.
Q. Where can I find this location and how do I get there? A. You can find the entrance to this location in Merlin's hut, it's a strange archway right in the middle of the hallway. If you approach it, you should have no trouble with entering the Hall of Fame. (A little surprise awaits you inside)
Q. How do I get access to the bonus scenes? A. Talk to the creature inside the Hall of Fame.
SlutCraft: Heat of the Sperm:
Access to the cheat menu (Cooming soon)
Access to future scenes and events (Cooming soon)
Q. What does 6844776 mean? A. This is a very interesting number, considering the context it was created in. When our team just formed, I asked 7 people that were in it to give me their favorite numbers. That's how 6844776 appeared. Only 2 of those 7 are still currently working on the game.
Q. Will the bonus code change? A. No. It'll always stay as it is. Write it down once and use it forever.
Hopefully, we've answered all of your questions. If you still have any, PM us, or leave them in the comments below, I will keep modifying this post.
Yours respectfully, Shadow Portal Team.
Системные требования:
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.0 ГГц
RAM 512, MБ
DirectX 9
MacOS: HDD 500МБ
Дополнительные скриншоты и Видео - SlutCraft: Heat of the Sperm / Ремесло шлюхи: Теплота спермы - эротическая игра 2018
История про молодого и отважного солдата Сару Керриган, которая была верным воином из "Сынов Корхала". Быстро и ответственно выполняла все приказы и просьбы лидера - Арктура Менгска.