Год выпуска: 2018 Жанр: Ren'py, 3dcg, m/f, f/f, oral sex, vaginal sex, anal sex, analingus, incest Цензура: Отсутствует Разработчик/Издатель: Envixer - Donation Link - xcribr.com/tyvm Полностью переработана и исправлены ошибки - lvroman64 Перевод: Hamlets (Artouiros) (05), lvroman64 (05-07) Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Android Тип издания: В разработке Таблэтка: Не требуется Версия: v.0.7 Язык игры: Русский/Английский Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Системные требования (минимальные):
Windows HDD 800 МБ
Описание: Пять лет назад вы были отстранены от дома, ваша семья возвращается к вам после смерти вашего отца. Может быть, теперь вы узнаете, почему вас отослали.
Sent away from home five years ago, your family returns to you after your father's death. Maybe now you'll learn why you were sent away.
This Android port is not released by developer, download at your own risk. / Этот Android-порт не выпущен разработчиком, загружайте на свой страх и риск.
Update notes: 335 new renders 801 total renders All paths completed All new player room set added Day 1 and part of Day 2 remastered Day 6 added Various dialogue tweaks and new information added. Walkthrough added to distributions.
Known issues: Lighting changes in a couple of scenes - Will be fixed eventually. Some very odd shadows - Once I figure out how those shadows got there, I'll fix. Day 3 scene in player room still uses the old set. Will be fixed in next update.
Special note: I know the sex scenes in this game are not the best. Once I finish the story, I will go back and remaster all of them. Each one I do is teaching me how to improve the next one, which is why I want to leave that bit for last.
There is now an Android version, however if there are issues with it, I can't promise quick fixes.
Saved games are now in:
Windows: %APPDATA%\RenPy\ANewHome or %APPDATA%\Roaming\RenPy\ANewHome (depending on your version of Windows) Mac: $HOME/Library/RenPy/ANewHome Linux: $HOME/.renpy/ANewHome
This means that if you're on v0.6 you'll need to run the latest version of the game, save it, then copy your old saves to the new location.
Remember the donation page for any contributions you might want to make to my coffee fund!
Remember that I'm using this game as a learning project for both Ren'Py and Daz Studio. At some point I'll go back and re-render the first few chapters, but that will be after the story is finished. Also, I'm only uploading this game here, so no need to go hunting elsewhere!
Дополнительные скриншоты - Новый дом / A New Home v.0.7 (2018) {Rus/Eng} (PC/Windows/MacOS/Android) [Ren'Py]
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