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WeaponsAttributes текстовым редактором.
3. Находим примерно 477 строку и вносим корректировки:
"path": "/Game/Core/Weapons/Range/ShotgunKS23/DA_Item_ShotgunKS23.DA_Item_ShotgunKS23",
"data": {
"baseAimFadeInCurve": "CurveFloat'/Game/Core/Weapons/Range/ShotgunKS23/Curve_ShotgunKS23_AimIn.Curve_ShotgunKS23_AimIn'",
"baseAimFadeOutCurve": "CurveFloat'/Game/Core/Weapons/Range/ShotgunKS23/Curve_ShotgunKS23_AimOut.Curve_ShotgunKS23_AimOut'",
"baseStartPrimaryAmmoCount": 0,
"baseAttributes": {
"AttackDamageMin": 14, >Change it from 14 to 24 Power = 2x orChange it from 14 to 1400 Power = 100x
"AttackDamageMax": 14,>Change it from 14 to 24 Power = 2x orChange it from 14 to 1400 Power = 100x